I came across a situation while doing CSV to XML transformation, the MFL action in OSB transforms CSV to XML or vice -versa but the resulted XML structure does n't have a namespace added to it.
Namespace is required while doing service orchestration (by using Service Callout or Route action ).
There are two ways u can add namespace to xml structure .
1. Make a XSD of the xml structure and use Xquery transformation selecting newly created xsd of non-namespace as Source and in Target select as xsd/wsdl element which u want as result.
2. We can use xquery to add a default namespace to xml structure.(which is obtained using mfl action and storing the result in variable named InputRequestXmlBody
xquery version "1.0" encoding "Cp1252";
(:: pragma parameter="$noNamespaceXML" type="xs:anyType" ::)
(:: pragma parameter="$namespaceURI" type="xs:string" ::)
(:: pragma type="xs:anyType" ::)
declare namespace xf = "http://tempuri.org/Resources/XQueries/addNamespace/";
declare function xf:addNamespaceToXML($noNamespaceXML as element(*),$namespaceURI as xs:string) as element(*)
element {fn:expanded-QName($namespaceURI,fn:local-name($noNamespaceXML))}
for $node in $noNamespaceXML/node()
if (exists($node/node())) then xf:addNamespaceToXML($node,$namespaceURI)
else if ($node instance of element()) then element {fn:expanded-QName($namespaceURI,fn:local-name($node))}{$node/@*}
else $node }
declare variable $noNamespaceXML as element(*) external;
declare variable $namespaceURI as xs:string external ;
xf:addNamespaceToXML($noNamespaceXML, $namespaceURI)
We can use replace action then to add namespace to xml structure .
So XML Structure like this :
Happy Flows !!
Namespace is required while doing service orchestration (by using Service Callout or Route action ).
There are two ways u can add namespace to xml structure .
1. Make a XSD of the xml structure and use Xquery transformation selecting newly created xsd of non-namespace as Source and in Target select as xsd/wsdl element which u want as result.
2. We can use xquery to add a default namespace to xml structure.(which is obtained using mfl action and storing the result in variable named InputRequestXmlBody
xquery version "1.0" encoding "Cp1252";
(:: pragma parameter="$noNamespaceXML" type="xs:anyType" ::)
(:: pragma parameter="$namespaceURI" type="xs:string" ::)
(:: pragma type="xs:anyType" ::)
declare namespace xf = "http://tempuri.org/Resources/XQueries/addNamespace/";
declare function xf:addNamespaceToXML($noNamespaceXML as element(*),$namespaceURI as xs:string) as element(*)
element {fn:expanded-QName($namespaceURI,fn:local-name($noNamespaceXML))}
for $node in $noNamespaceXML/node()
if (exists($node/node())) then xf:addNamespaceToXML($node,$namespaceURI)
else if ($node instance of element()) then element {fn:expanded-QName($namespaceURI,fn:local-name($node))}{$node/@*}
else $node }
declare variable $noNamespaceXML as element(*) external;
declare variable $namespaceURI as xs:string external ;
xf:addNamespaceToXML($noNamespaceXML, $namespaceURI)
We can use replace action then to add namespace to xml structure .
So XML Structure like this :
would end up like this :
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
Happy Flows !!